ESEAP Conference 2024/Report/Rruunnaa

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ESEAP Conference 2024

Greetings and well wishes. This is my first time participating in the ESEAP Conference as a contributor to projects within Wikimedia. The conference, held from May 10th to May 12th, was very enjoyable and provided me with a lot of new insights into the Wikimedia movement. Below, I will elaborate on the description of this conference. Happy reading!

The official Wikimedia ESEAP 2024 Banner


I am one of the recipients of a full scholarship to attend the Wikimedia ESEAP Conference 2024 in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. This scholarship has saved me expenses, and I am able to enjoy all the privileges provided, including accommodation and meals. Thank you so much Wikimedia Foundation for providing me with the scholarship.


During this conference, my roles are :

  1. Interpreter (Ms to dtp)
Interpreter anda translator from Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia (Malay and Kadazandusun
  1. Full Scholarship Participant
ESEAP Conference 2024 – Friday
  1. Member of Kelab Wiki Kent
First ESEAP for Wiki Kent Club

Successes and Highlights[edit]

Organizational Efficiency[edit]

Throughout the conference, the organizing team was highly efficient in managing both workforce and time. They utilized technology to facilitate the participants’ experience. For example, they provided Zoom links for live interpreting for those who did not understand English, such as interpreting English into Indonesian. The organizing team was also attentive to the surroundings and made continuous efforts to provide the best experience for the conference participants.

Resource Allocation[edit]

It is undeniable that the resource allocation throughout the conference was effective. Manpower was fairly distributed among the three rooms provided, namely Timpohon, Sayat-Sayat, and Mahua. Participants were free to choose the room with the topic they wanted to follow, which indirectly distributed the participants and gave them the opportunity to make decisions according to their preferences.


Information regarding the schedule, topics, and conference instructions was conveyed clearly and accurately to prevent confusion. Additionally, the conference was interactive, providing opportunities for participants to ask questions, give feedback, and share their views. Live translation or interpretation was also provided to ensure that all participants, including those not fluent in English, could follow the sessions effectively. Furthermore, the organizers responded quickly and accurately to questions or issues raised by the participants.

Personal Learning and Growth[edit]

Skills Developed[edit]

Throughout my participation in the conference, it is undeniable that I developed a range of skills, particularly in communication. I became more confident in engaging with participants from other countries and exchanging experiences. Moreover, my ability to communicate in English has improved significantly. Additionally, as an interpreter, I have become proficient in using Zoom, including pressing specific buttons to prepare myself for translating into the Kadazandusun language.

ESEAP Conference 2024 – Karaoke & Dinner

Personal Reflection[edit]

Participating in this conference made me realize that there are still many Wikimedia projects I have yet to explore, such as Wikidata, Wikisource, and other projects developed by the conference participants. Their presentations clearly demonstrated how closely and passionately they are connected to the Wikimedia movement. This has inspired me to be as enthusiastic as they are. Additionally, the programs conducted were very helpful in making me more open to other matters. The ESEAP Conference 2024 has been a pivotal experience in my personal and professional development. The skills I have gained, particularly in communication and interpretation, will serve me well in my ongoing contributions to Wikimedia projects. More importantly, the connections and knowledge I have acquired will continue to inspire and guide me as I work towards building a more inclusive and informed global community.

Eseap Conference Day 1

Comments/Recommendations for Future Events[edit]

  1. I suggest for next conference, the complete conference schedule should be printed and posted outside each conference room, allowing participants to easily see the sessions in progress without repeatedly checking their phones for the online schedule.
  2. Additionally, technical aspects need to be more carefully examined. There were times when the interpreter's voice could not be heard. For instance, in a situation I encountered, I was interpreting from Malay to Kadazandusun, but the voice of the Malay interpreter could not be heard. This resulted in me having to listen to the interpretation from Indonesian and occasionally English.
  3. I also would like to propose an enhancement for future events, which is extending the duration of the conference days. This adjustment is aimed at increasing the bonding time among participants, thereby enhancing the overall experience and outcomes of the conference.

In a conclusion, The ESEAP Conference 2024 has been an extraordinary event, showcasing the depth and breadth of the Wikimedia movement in the East and Southeast Asia-Pacific region. It has enhanced participants' skills, particularly in communication and interpretation, and broadened their perspectives on the potential of Wikimedia projects. The programs conducted were instrumental in encouraging openness to diverse ideas and approaches, furthering the collaborative spirit of the Wikimedia community. The ESEAP Conference 2024 has not only strengthened the bonds within the community but also reaffirmed the collective commitment to building a more inclusive and informed global society. Thank You.
