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Kufunsa kusintha kwa wiki

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Requesting wiki configuration changes and the translation is 44% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.


Kawirikawiri, wikis amafuna kusintha kwakukulu kwa kusintha kwa polojekiti yawo. Kuti muthe kusamalira izi, ntchito yothandizira imagwiritsidwa ntchito ndi Wikimedia system administrators .

Zopempha zina zambiri zimaphatikizapo:

  • Kulengedwa kwa zina mayina a mayina mayina (e.g. Portal :, WikiProject :, Zowonjezera :, Wolemba :)
  • Kulengedwa kwa magulu ogwiritsa ntchito ufulu wowonjezera (e.g. rollbacker, filemover)
  • Kusintha ufulu wamtundu
  • Kulepheretsa kapena kulepheretsa zolembera zam'deralo
  • Kusintha mawonekedwe a polojekiti
  • Translation of namespaces

How to request a change

Kuti mupeze kusintha kwamasinthidwe kapena kusintha kwa polojekiti yanu:

  1. Chithunzi chomwe mukufuna kusintha (zolembedwa pa MediaWiki.org zingakhale zothandiza kwambiri pa izi);
  2. Sonkhanitsani chiyanjano cha pagulu pa wiki kuti zitheke;
    1. Yambani zokambirana kumalo osungiramo anthu, pampu ya mudzi, kapena malo ena akuluakulu ozokambirana, ndipo perekani nthawi yokambirana.
    2. Onetsetsani kuti chilichonse chofunikira kuti chisinthidwe chigwiridwe. Mwachitsanzo, magulu atsopano ogwiritsira ntchito nthawi zambiri amafunika kuwonjezera / kuchotsedwa ndi magulu ena a ogwiritsira ntchito (osati oyang'anira okha) - kawirikawiri izi zingaperekedwe kwa amodzi kapena ovomerezeka. (If your wiki does not have any local admins or bureaucrats, any user rights changes need to be done via a steward; see permission requests.)
      1. Wikis that do not have any local admins/bureaucrats are probably too small for a new user group, see Limits to configuration changes, section "Special groups on small wikis".
    3. Pankhani ya anthu ochepa kwambiri komanso ochepetsetsa, ziyenera kukhala zokwanira kusonyeza kuti mwayesa kupeza mgwirizano, komanso kuti mwawapatsa mpata wokutsutsa.
  3. Lembani tikiti (makamaka mu Chingerezi) mu Wikimedia's task tracker;
    1. Gwiritsani ntchito "Wikimedia-Site-requests" pulojekiti.
    2. Onetsetsani kuti tikitiyi ikuphatikizapo URL kwa anthu omwe akukhala nawo pa-wiki mogwirizana, makamaka kugwiritsa ntchito chiyanjano chosatha (dinani "Permanent link" chiyanjano mu bokosi lazamasamba, chomwe chiyenera kupangitsa kuti URL ifike pamapeto a $) ; URL iyenera kupita mubokosi lalikulu "lofotokozera";
  4. Khazikani mtima pansi; Mapulogalamu okonzekera pa tsamba amangowerengedwa ndi ochepa a machitidwewa ; Pafupipafupi, amatenga masabata angapo kuti akonze; ngati pempholi liri lofulumira kapena akhalapo kwa nthawi yaitali, funsani #wikimedia-techconnect ndikufunseni za pempholi.

Kupeza-kugwirizana kwa wiki ndikulemba ntchito sikutanthauza kuti pempholi lidzakwaniritsidwa. Ulamuliro wapamwamba umakhala ndi oyang'anira dongosolo , ndi pempho la kusinthika kwa tsamba lingathe kukanidwa chifukwa cha zochitika zina kapena zina.

If you want to try fixing such a request yourself, please follow the manual and give it a try!

In addition to all of the above, there is specific guidance and a better workflow if you want to change your wiki's logo, whether temporarily or permanently.

  1. Upload your logo to Wikimedia Commons in SVG format. In most cases it should be a square (see documentation on mediawiki.org for exact sizing details).
  2. Use the logo-test tool to check that it displays as expected.
  3. File a request in the "Wikimedia-Site-Requests" Phabricator project using this form, with the following information:
    • Wiki this request is for
    • Link to new logo on Wikimedia Commons in SVG format
    • Link to view logo using https://logo-test.toolforge.org/
    • When logo should be enabled
    • When logo should be changed back (if temporary)
    • Link to community discussion
  4. Sysadmins will process your request, converting the logo into the proper formats in Gerrit. It is recommended you file a request at least a week in advance of wanting to change logos. Even if you don't know exactly when it should be enabled (e.g. waiting for the millionth article to be created), giving sysadmins a heads-up to prepare will help speed up your request when it is time.
