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Template:Wikimedia logo template

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

PLEASE NOTE: The images on this page are copyrighted by the Wikimedia foundation because they are official logos of the Wikimedia foundation or one of its projects. Notwithstanding any other statement on this page these images have not been licensed under the GFDL. © & ™ All rights reserved, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

These are HTML templates for the Wikipedia logo text in front page (it probably looks better), using one of the following fonts, in order of preference:

  • "Hoeffler" (for the Latin/Greek/Cyrillic scripts, not free, alternative available on Mac OSX),
  • "Garamond" (for the Latin/Greek/Cyrillic scripts, not free, alternative available on Windows),
  • "Cambria" (for the Latin/Greek/Cyrillic scripts, not free, alternative available on Windows),
  • "Linux Libertine" (for the Latin/Greek scripts, free, see note below),
  • "BPG Serif" (for the Georgian script),
  • not specified (for the Armenian script),
  • "KurKlim" (for the Glagolitic script),
  • "Kalimati" (for the Devanagari script, free),
  • "Pothana2000" (for the Telugu script),
  • "JanaTamil" (for the Tamil script),
  • "Bangla","Akaash","Mukti Narrow" (for the Bengali script),
  • "Norasi" (for the Thai script),
  • "Saweri" (for the Buginese script),
  • "Un Batang" (for the Hangul script),
  • "Togoshi Mincho" (for the Japanese script),
  • "Kozuka Mincho" (for the Chinese script, not free),
  • "AR PL UMing" (for the Chinese script, free),
  • "Frank Ruehl" (for the Hebrew script, commercial font),
  • "Free Serif" (for the Bengali and Arabic scripts, alternative, free),
  • "TITUS Cyberbit Basic" (for the Glagolitic script, alternative),
  • "Arial" (for the Bengali and Arabic scripts, alternative, not free),
  • "KacstOffice (for the Arabic script, free but not hinted),
  • TuladhaJejeg (for Javanese script, released under SIL Open Font License (OFL))
  • "serif" (generic HTML/CSS font selected by the local browser and OS settings).
The "Linux Libertine" (also available as "Linux Libertine O" with OpenType/Postscript glyphs but with more limited hinting) font was chosen for the Wimedia logos (in their version 2) in the Latin/Greek/Cyrillic scripts, because it is available as a free font (GPL and OFL licences) with excellent OpenType typographic features ; previously it was the "Hoeffler" font (copyrighted by Apple and only available on Mac OSX) :
Note that only the version 4.7.3 (now outdated for general use) of the "Linux Libertine O" font contains the special form of the capital Latin letter W used in the Wikimedia official marks. For all other letters, it will be best to use the most recent version of the font in TrueType .ttd format (defined with quadratic Bezier splines, however it does includes the OpenType layout and feature tables) rather than the .otf format (defined with cubic Bezier splines, but that includes Postscript Type 2 hinting instruction which are only recognized on Mac OSX and on Postscript Level 3 printers) ; the .ttd version is better hinted for many other characters, it also has better repertoire coverage an is maintained. Ideally, the glyph modified for Latin W letter in Wikipedia official marks should be taken from the old 4.7.3 font specifically or from an SVG source (see http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Wikimedia_official_marks/Word_mark_creation/howto_W).
Default size=26 (1st line of text has a font-size of 26px)

This default size is suitable for building a 135x155px logo (stored locally in "File:Wiki.png", on each Wikipedia edition), showing the SVG Wikipedia "globe" logo in a 103x94px subarea centered horizontally (with 16px side margins) with an inner top margin of 15px, and the translated title rendered below (centered vertically in the remaining space).

The Free Encyclopedia
Smaller size (example rendered for size=19)
The Free Encyclopedia
Bigger size (example rendered for size=50)
The Free Encyclopedia